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Chancellor of Remnant Nation University

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 This essential report has now helped tens of thousands of Believers in Yeshua/Jesus around the world, and is yours to access free for life…

“Discover The Most Effective and Efficient Ways To Enjoy A Deeper Understanding of Scripture For Transforming Your Life... Starting Today!”
Test Us Out for Free

Remnant Nation University was established in 2004 as a training module for ministries who lacked access to Bible College education or experienced mentors. At present, it is an institution of higher learning acknowledged by the Florida Department of Education and is currently undergoing regional accreditation. A set of free e-books, beginning with "Co-Exist?", will be provided to deliver all the promises made on this page. Try the freebies; what's there to lose? If you like any of the material, take a or some webinar(s) and see our see an example of our virtual classrooms. We have several, but the webinar classroom will give you one format and lost of material to see how we present Scripture and put it together in a very unique way that increases comprehension and retention.


We would like to offer you a complimentary copy of our End Times Study Manual "Free of Charge." It serves as an example of our "Biblical Common Sense" Theology, which is easy to understand and follow. By enrolling at RNU, you can acquire a better understanding of Scripture, and learn to figure it out for YOURSELF. We don't teach what you should believe, we teach you how to learn for yourself, what you should believe.

What is holding you back from improving your education and comprehension of Scripture?

Cost shouldn't be an issue because RNU is affordable, with interest-free financing options through Affirm and various levels of Scholarship, making it reasonable for every budget. Partial scholarships can reduce the cost by up to 50%. At RNU, we have taken the initiative to make learning accessible to everyone.

So, what's holding you back? You can get free study guides, low-cost webinar samples of material, and affordable tuition for a legitimate degree...You just don't find offers like this every day.





Let’s be honest, we all have doubts, concerns, and things about the Bible we don’t understand. But the most painful, and frankly hurtful and difficult to overcome, are the ones that come from the pulpit. This can be frustrating and scary. We are talking about ETERNITY!!

I want to put the tools YOU NEED into YOUR HANDS  so YOU can understand the Signs of the Times for YOURSELF!

While a lot of what we offer is free, those that are not are extremely affordable. The proceeds help to keep this site and other endeavors up and running. Thank you for also considering all our products.

Want to know more about what we teach?

Take our Webinars for a Test Drive…

The message revealed in this first Free Book has so upset several globally influential religious leaders some of the pages cited have been turned into private pages. The links have been left as a testament to the war of deception being waged against those who truly desire intimacy with our Heavenly Father – the God of the Bible.

This is a LIVE E-Book. It gets updated anytime new information presents itself. Your ACCESS IS FREE for as long as we can keep it protected behind firewalls. Currently there are an average of several dozen (and sometimes hundreds) malicious DATA attacks attempted against this project EVERY week.

Here’s What You’ll Start Learning...

Wanna' Just learn more about RNU or Get Started Now?

In this life-changing free report, Tim will guide you through the essential starting place of crossing over into a whole Bible understanding. Filled with proven and well-cited means to recognize the enemies’ current strategies to derail believers… OH, and it’s been right under our noses for centuries. Now you can get it without the confusion, the politics, the backbiting, and the psycho-babble.

Meet Tim Hillis, PhD...

Tim is a Doctor of Theology who specializes in 1st Century teaching and has taught in multiple Collegiate environments around the world. Having mentored people from every walk of life and in nearly every corner of the planet, he has realized his greatest joy is experienced in helping people learn to understand the Scriptures for themselves!!

For the past 30+ years Tim has been helping Christians and unchurched alike to unlock the reason they see contradictions in Scripture. Why they aren’t satisfied with the status quo Christianity. Why they have always felt like there was something more to gaining a deeply intimate relationship with the God of the Bible, being the Bride of Jesus, and a whole host of other “why’s and what if’s”. You CAN achieve an understanding of the Bible in proper context by using simple study methods that put it into proper context every single time; and create a life with our Heavenly Abba and His Son our Messiah you truly wake up excited about. 


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